The arrival of Archie Harrison-Fletcher
Good morning,
Long time no see, since we last spoke, I have continuing my golf exploits on and off with no real improvement, been on holiday to Hawaii, but the biggest news is regarding the arrival of my amazing son Archie.
He was born on 8th Sept 2012, as you can see from the picture, he looks like me (poor thing), he arrived into the world 14 days late, (as my mum says" typical lad, lazy), I just think me was comfy.
Long time no see, since we last spoke, I have continuing my golf exploits on and off with no real improvement, been on holiday to Hawaii, but the biggest news is regarding the arrival of my amazing son Archie.
He was born on 8th Sept 2012, as you can see from the picture, he looks like me (poor thing), he arrived into the world 14 days late, (as my mum says" typical lad, lazy), I just think me was comfy.

So we were in Bolton Royal Hospital on the Thursday for Em to be induced, it wasn't until Friday when things started taking shape, I arrived at 8am to visit Emma and to take a few things in, the midwife induced her during the day and within half an hour, the pain just hit her like she had never felt before. This continued through out the day. At 8pm, I was due to leave as visiting hours were over, Emma looked beautiful as ever but had a little evil look in her eye and she advised "your not going anywhere" in which I thought "aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh". Em wa la only on paracetamol and codine and was asking for stronger pain killers. The midwife advised " try a warm bath" and em got quite annoyed " I don't want a bath, I want pain killers" ( the bath did help by the way).
At 8am on Saturday, the time had come! We headed down to the delivery suite, all excited and hungry, oh yeah I forgot to say the canteen closed at 2pm so I had not eaten anything in over 18 hrs (just had to get that in). He finally arrived at 4:24pm that afternoon,. I advised Em of the sex, he was a boy alright. BOOM, I cut the cord and then cried my eyes out as I was so overwhelmed. I talk about his arrival a lot as you can imagine, but it was the most wonderful thing, but the most horrendous thing I have ever witnessed. I say that as no one likes to see there partner in pain. But it was completely worth it. We have an amazing boy , who makes us laugh on a daily basis and I'm looking forward to witness all his learning and development.
I won't leave it to long next time