the Topic of posting forums
This is my first time to posting a Blog, so I suppose I'm a blog virgin. So if you see any spelling mitsakes, please for give me! (ha! ha!)
I find the whole concept of posting comments online very fascinating, people creating a subject( ie. spiderman vs superman) and the comments come flooding through until it spirals out of control, and you have hundreds of people putting in the same comment as they have nothing else to contribute. Anyway everybody knows superman would destroy spiderman, as spiderman only has some webbing he can fire.

Also Clarke Kent over ranks Peter Parker has he is a Journalist and Peter is a freelance Photographer. Anyway back to the subject in hand, why do people do it? Is a geeky Friends thing or do some people find the information fascinating, and find themselves hooked onto a subject that is not significant to the plight of the world.
I think a number of subjects that can be brought in for descussion, and need to be addressed,
1, What is better Burger King or McDonalds?

2, What was the best video game of all time?
and this is my favorite"why to monkeys have 4 arms?"
If you would like to comment, please do so as I have nothng better to do.
I find the whole concept of posting comments online very fascinating, people creating a subject( ie. spiderman vs superman) and the comments come flooding through until it spirals out of control, and you have hundreds of people putting in the same comment as they have nothing else to contribute. Anyway everybody knows superman would destroy spiderman, as spiderman only has some webbing he can fire.

I think a number of subjects that can be brought in for descussion, and need to be addressed,
1, What is better Burger King or McDonalds?

2, What was the best video game of all time?
and this is my favorite"why to monkeys have 4 arms?"
If you would like to comment, please do so as I have nothng better to do.
Everyone knows that Spider-Man would whip Superman, as Superman is clearly a made up cartoon character.
One Says "That Superman is pretty nice, I really fancy him"
To which the other replys "I didn't really like him, but that Clark Kent was pretty nice..."